Lead Magnet Package

One email marketing lead magnet for you to implement.

What you'll get:

  • 1 x Lead Magnet Design, eBook, Checklist, Quiz etc
  • 1 x Social media Canva templates to promote lead magnet
  • Whattsapp support

Note: I can also help with connecting the back end of your lead magnet which we can discuss at our initial client call. 

I'm looking forward to supporting you and your beautiful business to shine online.

Edwina x

What People Are Saying:

Edwina has done some work with me, last year for my web page and setting up my email campaign. It was such a pleasure working with her, she took her time to work with me, to find what best suited me and my small business. I love her work, I look forward to working with her again soon on some Instagram content. I would definitely recommend working with Edwina

Simone Robertson - SIMNCO Spa

$350.00 AUD

The Lead Magnet is just the first step to optimising your email list, you then need am email sequence to nurture the subscribers (future clients and customers) - I recommend five emails over two weeks. I can help create this with my 'done for you' email sequence copywriting service.