How to Leverage Instagram to Build your Email List: Part One

email marketing instagram tips online marketing May 11, 2023


How to Leverage Instagram to Build your Email List

Hard truth 🗣️ You. Have. ZERO. Control. Over. Instagram. It can be taken away at any moment. 

🤳🏼I know you’re constantly trying to work the algorithm, make the sale, grow your followers and increase your engagement. You get burnt out and have a love/hate relationship with social media. 

There’s a better way, ditch the burnout and guess work. Now I’m saying break up 💔 with insta, but let’s use is for good not evil…

Let’s chat about building your email list, I see this as a top priority for any business. If you’re not intentionally building your email list and relying on Instagram to talk to your customers or clients; you may as well just throw a ball ☄️ blind folded and hope to hit something! 

The benefits of building an email list are many, you get to curate the content and offers you share, sending them directly to your website, you can be a little bit more personal and nurture your community by provide value and you own it, you have control over it! 


Email marketing is still the highest in sales conversion over all online marketing!  So the goal here is to make sure that part of your Instagram strategy is to be consistently building your email list. 

But where do I start, I hear you ask? 

STEP 1: Set-up a Flodesk or other email marketing platform system. There are many out there to choose from, I love Flodesk as it’s beautiful, easy to use and get’s great engagement. An email marketing platform is software that allows you to capture and build your email list, then automate your emails to your community. You can even set-up a mini website aka landing pages and a shop with Flodesk, so you don’t even need a fancy website to get started.

I even have a 50% discount code for you! Use this link to get 50% off your subscription, I get a little kick back too so it's a win/win. (But I only ever promote products and services that I'm actually using and love) 

STEP 2: Add the link to your mailing list to your instagram bio, your followers will be able to easily find it.

STEP 3: Start promoting it! A great way to build your list is to share what we call ‘options or lead magnets’ in other words freebies like eBooks, webinars, quizzes, downloadable checklists etc.. 

👉🏼Pro Tip: when you get new followers, engage with them by sending them a direct message, get to know them then offer them some value in the form of your freebies. This will build authentic relationships, you’ll get to know your community, you’ll get their email plus the algorithm, loves connection and will show your posts to accounts you actively engage with.  

Ready to get started with your email list  or maybe you already have one that needs a little love and shaktifying? (that's my word for creating magic)

Well I can help! Book a mentoring session where I will meet you where you are at and then coach you through doing it for yourself or purchase a package and I'll do it for you.

Find all my services and packages here.

I'm looking forward to creating online marketing magic with you. 

Edwina x

The Creatrix

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