May Inspiration Journal 🎨

inspiration journal productivity May 07, 2024

Hi lovely, 

I'm jumping into your inbox with some creative inspiration! I've been enjoying some time in the kitchen and making good use of all my pumpkins, check out my fave pumpkin soup recipe HERE.  As well as reading lots of novels, I just finished The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi and have now started The Women by Kristen Hannah. 

Nothing ignites the imagination and creativity as a good novel! 

It's also been fresh to have a little break last week from Instagram. My head was so full, you see I have the (good) problem of lots of ideas and sometimes I just need to rest my poor brain. 🤣  I've still been around and showing up in stories, but just the mental break from creating content has been so good for my creativity.  

🌹✨ I've talked about this book before and last week inside our exclusive Shakti Community we read it for our Book Club - what a fun night that was! One of the biggest takeaways was about how we overcome fear in entrepreneurship, we must push through our fears, in order to grow and expand in business and life. (even if it bloody scares us!) 

Our livelihoods as spiritual entrepreneurs depend on it.   

And just this past weekend one of the members the Shakti Roadmap/Bhakti Business Programs, shared that she's been accepted to be a presenter at a massive wellness event...  ⤵️

When we move,

the universe moves towards us,

this is pure MAGIC!

Expansion and growth isn't always easy, but it's so worth it. 

✍🏻✨ Speaking of pushing through fears, I jumped last week into a wonderful creative writing course that I've been wanting to do since a friend recommended back in January. We had our first workshop last week down on the Central Coast and it didn't disappoint!  I then took myself out to lunch HERE oh my goodness my taste buds were alive!  

What fears have you pushed through lately? Hit reply and share it with me.  

Until next time, have a beautiful day!

Love Edwina x 


PS I have something very special coming... a course bundle that will have you seeing your content creation in a different way and you will get some very exclusive bonuses!

PPS Is India on your radar? We will be launching the 2025 Pilgrimage to South India very soon! Hit reply if you'd like to be on our early bird list. 

The Creatrix

A FREE 3 session online content creation workshop. Journey with us to embody your divine creativity and learn how to create unique online content.

You know online content creation is important for your business in this modern day, yet you feel stuck and overwhelmed with all the things, that's where ✨The Creatrix✨ comes in...