Top 10 Tips for Increased Productivity without Burnout

content creation instagram tips online marketing productivity Feb 14, 2024

Our modern world glorifies 'busy' and 'being productive' and yes these are two things that are inevitable when you're a business owner. However, as spiritual entrepreneurs we know that it's important to take things slow and be in the moment... but there's so much to do!

How do you manage to get it all done?! I hear you cry into your chai...

This is a question that I'm asked all the time and in all transparency I do work a lot, I don't claim to make a million bucks in 2 hours a day (gosh I'm over that narrative!) But I have found a flow in my work/life that sits well for me. 

The first thing I identify is 'what season am I in?' The stage of my business will determine whether I push through and work those extra hours or whether I can take an extra day off etc... I'm currently in a stage of growth and as I scale my business, knowing that there will be extra hours and time required to achieve my goals, I have a few tried and true practices and habits to support me to be the most productive I can be. Yet still have time for self-care, family and friends. (these things are so important to me!) 

This is where I engage in my pitta energy of being super organised, focused and methodical. (not sure what pitta is? take the quiz here) below are my Top 10 Tips for Increased Productivity without Burnout, what I put in place in my work and home. (in no particular order) 

1. Weekly Meal Planning - plan out the weeks meals and pop them on a whiteboard so the family can see and pitch in if needed.  I tend to do this on Saturday, we stick to the same types of meals which frees up headspace. It also means we save $$ and eat healthier. (I will default to takeaway if I'm busy and tired) 

2. Shop Online for Groceries - I love how much time and money this saves me. If you don't have access to home delivery I've find a monthly shop works well at saving time too.  Less travel time and 

3. Plan your workdays with a theme - for example; Mondays are for planning, visioning and intention setting, I love to create and schedule social media content on a Tuesdays, Wednesdays are for getting  shit done, like sales pages, website work etc.. Thursdays are for deep work and Fridays I tend to wrsp things up and have a day with a little self-care and rest. I also like to set boundaries around my face to face meetings and will ensure that I don't book my time too heavily with meetings. FOCUS ON ONE TASK AT A TIME - vata's I'm looking at you!

4. PLAN PLAN PLAN! Schedule time to actually plan out your content intentionally; your socials, your emails, your sales pages etc... then the next step is to execute and automate. Trust me this clears a lot of mental space and allows for more capacity. 

5. Automate and outsource whatever you can!  I am loving scheduling my social media content via Later app, I use AI to research hashtags, trends and to write policy, procedures etc (just generic stuff that I hate spending time on), if you have the funds employ a VA and then train them well, investing time early on will mean they will be one step ahead of you. Systems and procedures will help you if you don't yet have the funds.

6. Move your body - this is something that I will tend to let go of just when I need it the most! I'm prioritising it this year along with nourishing my body with divine sattvic food!  When we do we have more energy, clarity, focus and again it will expand your capacity to serve. 

7. Sadhana - a conscious spiritual pracrice, this is a must for all humans (in my opinion!) when we create space for mediation, prayer, devotion we invite the divine into our life and work. 

8. Have a dedicated and sacred space for your work - especially for your deep work, this will support you to stay focused and on track.  Make the space beautiful, light a candle or incense, diffuse essential oils (find some of my favourite blends here), have everything you need at your finger tips. 

9. Play music - this playlist is the best for deep creative work... I listen to it most days. 

10. Last but definitely not least - utilise the 'focus'  function on your phone and computer. This is life changing! You can set it all up so you still get important calls or texts from the kids, partners etc.. but notifications need to be off - I turned off notifications in general because a few years ago, I want to be in control of my phone and not the other way around! 

I hope that at least one of my top 10 tips for productivity as inspired and helped you to get more done without burnout! This has been a great reminder for myself too! 

Come connect with me on instagram, DM me your favorite on I'd love to know. 

💖 Edwina x


The Creatrix

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