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Lets demystify online content creation and make working in creative flow your reality.

The Creatrix


A FREE 3 session online content creation workshop. Journey with us to embody your divine creativity and learn how to create unique online content. 

You know online content creation is important for your business in this modern day, yet you feel stuck and overwhelmed with all the things, that's where ✨The Creatrix✨ comes in...

Just imagine...

what it would *feel* like to liberate yourself from feeling overwhelmed and stuck. To ignite your creativity and embody the true essence of your brand.

To be in a place where inspiration is plentiful and it sparkles 💫 out of you with enthusiasm. So that when you sit down to create content for your beautiful business the designs, words and technical skills flow effortlessly.

Imagine that you're actually excited to share your message and offerings with the world. You feel a sense of expansion rather than contraction when you think about using social media.

You have confidence in your practical and technical skills to make it all happen effortlessly?!

This is the energy of ✨The Creatrix✨ and you can master this craft too.

In this FREE 3 day interactive workshop:

You will learn the practical skills to create engaging and completely unique content that embodies your brand and offerings. Each live pre-recorded session will runs for approximately 60mins. 


Session 1: I will guide you through my creative, embodiment process to ignite your shakti, your divine creatrix energy so that you can create from a place of artistic expression. We'll also walk through creating beautiful branding and aesthetics with a Canva tutorial. 

Session 2: Through video and imagery we will weave the golden thread of your brand story into every layer that makes up the tapestry of your business and its offerings. You'll be guided through the practical skills of creating reels and graphics.

Session 3: The next layer of thread in that tapestry of your brand story is the words, your poetry. You will master the art of crafting your captions, tag lines and learn how to write a captivating bio. 

This is a practical and hands on workshop, with homework. So get ready to produce some of your best work yet!

And the best part is you will finish up with with multiple pieces of engaging content you can use on socials or for your branding. 


I want to embody The Creatrix!

Register for FREE 3 Day Training Here ⬇️ and elevate your online content creation. 

About Edwina, your Guide


Edwina is wildly passionate about helping heart-led women in business truly shine their unique brand online. 

She will guide you to embody the very soul and energy of your business, to uncover its true nature.

Edwina's super power is to take that vision and energetic brand blueprint and make pure magic. Bringing your vision to life!

She believes that making beautiful and thoughtful social media and online content can be a form of deep creative and artistic expression.

And now she wants to share her secrets and craft with you.